The objective of the WyTerm project was to provide a single port terminal server (reachable over Wifi) that was battery backed to allow easy connection to RS232 serial ports for debugging and control purposes. I developed the hardware, built it, developed the embedded and application software and designed an 3D printed a case for it. The Wifi opperates in Terminal mode (for use where a curent Wifi network exists) and in AP mode (for use where no Wifi network is available). As part of this project I developed a Java application (YView) to provide private IoT connectivity network. This was initially implemented so that it would run on Linux, Windows and MAC's. I have since extended this to run on Android phones and tablets.
With case
3D printed case.
The hardware uses the Espressif ESP8266 deviice.
Web interface to the embedded device webserver.
An example of the terminal connection to the device. Application software runs on Windows/Linux and Android deviices.